To the editorial board of the scientific journal should be submitted:
- Electronic version of the article, executed in accordance with the requirements, made in MS Word.
- A separate file with information about the author (please download it here).
- Authors without a scientific degree must submit a review by a candidate or doctor of economic sciences.
- Abstract (separate file) in English, which should contain: surname and initials of the author; academic degree, academic title, position; place of work or study; author’s ORCID, E-mail; title of the article; Abstract of the article minimum 1800 characters without spaces).
The authors are personally responsible for the accuracy of the terms, names, data, quotations, statistical materials, etc. given in the article.
All materials submitted for publication are subject to secret peer review.
The decision to publish the article is made by the editorial board based on the results of the review.
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are not considered.
1.1. We accept for publication articles written in Ukrainian or English, not previously published and not submitted for publication to other publications (including electronic).
1.2. The structure of the scientific article includes the following mandatory elements:
- Introduction;
- Analysis of recent research and publications;
- Formulation of the purpose of the article (statement of the problem);
- Description of the methodology (structure, sequence) of the study;
- Presentation of the main material and scientific results;
- Conclusions and prospects for further research in this area.
2.1. The length of the abstract in Ukrainian should be at least 700 characters.
2.2. The abstract in English should be at least 1800 characters (including spaces).
2.3. The abstract in English must meet the following requirements:
The main goals and objectives of the abstract:
- Abstract is a brief summary of a larger work of a scientific nature.
- Abstract of the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal, as well as in search engines.
- The abstract in English is placed in the English block of information about the article, which is downloaded on the English version of the journal’s website and prepared for foreign reference databases and analytical systems (citation indexes).
- The abstract in Ukrainian is the basis for the preparation of the abstract in English, but the English-language abstract should be larger and not repeat the Ukrainian abstract.
- Key words from the text of the article should be used in the text of the abstract.
- Information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract.
Structure and content of the abstract in English:
Title of the article
Research methods
Main results of the study
- The headings of these structural components should be highlighted in bold in the text of the abstract.
- The abstract should be written in good English.
- If the article is submitted in English, the extended abstract should be in Ukrainian.
3.1. The list of references is drawn up in accordance with NSU 8302-2015. The minimum number of sources is 8.
3.2. The list of sources used is formed in the order of appearance of references to them in the text.
4.1. In the article the author must provide references to sources, materials or individual results cited in the text.
4.2. All tables and figures should be referenced to the sources used or it should be indicated that it is the author’s own development. Sample of tables and figures layout
4.3. Ignoring the rules of citation (absence of quotation marks when quoting directly, lack of references to sources, etc.) may lead to the fact that certain fragments of the article will be qualified as plagiarism and, accordingly, to the refusal to publish the article.
5.1. Articles prepared in accordance with DSTU 3008-2015 are accepted only in the form of files (text - in the format .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt; graphs, figures - in any graphic format for Windows). Graphs and figures should be made with the possibility of editing them. Formulas should be performed in generally accepted mathematical symbols.
5.2. Text of the article: font Times New Roman, font size - 14, paragraph - 1.25 cm, line spacing - 1.5, margins - 2 cm.
5.3. The volume of the article - at least 10 pages, including tables, graphs, figures and a list of references.
5.4. In general, the publication provides the following structural elements:
- UDC index (in the upper left corner of the page, font size 14);
- JEL classification code (next line under the UDC (number 1 - 5)), font size 14;
- surname and initials of the author(s) (no more than 4 authors) - right-side position on the page, bold, font size 14;
- academic degree, academic title, place of work or study (in Ukrainian and English) - font size 14, spacing 1.5;
- ORCID for the author(s);
- title of the article - in 2 intervals in the center of the page in capital letters, font size 14, spacing 1.5;
- abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English - font size 14, spacing 1.5;
- the text of the article;
- list of references “References” - font size 14, spacing 1.5.
5.5. References to sources should be made according to the international bibliographic standard APA. Example of bibliographic sources for “References”
5.6. If the article contains tables, formulas and (or) illustrations, their design must meet the following requirements:
- Formulas should be executed using the built-in MS Equation formula editor in italics and numbered on the right side.
- Figures made in MS Word should be grouped; they should be a single graphic object. Do not use dark background and small fonts for figures.
- Tables and figures should be printed using the built-in Microsoft Word editor and placed in the middle. Figures and tables should be placed in the article immediately after the text where they are mentioned for the first time or on the next page; they should be compact, have a title; text font - Times New Roman, size - 14. The size of tables and illustrations should not exceed the width of the page. All tables and figures in the text should contain a title, through numbering and description of the source. References to figures and tables should be placed in parentheses in the text.
- The word “table” and its serial number and title are placed above the table and aligned to the right edge, then in the same line - the title of the table. Under the table indicate the data source and, if necessary, notes to them. Sample design of tables and figures.
- The title of the figure is placed under the graphic element and aligned in width, indicating the source. Sample design of tables and figures. Figures, diagrams, charts and other graphic elements are created by software. The use of scanned drawings and graphic elements is unacceptable.
- Mathematical expressions (formulas, equations, functions, etc.) in the text should be prepared exclusively in the MathType formula editor. Mathematical expressions should be numbered on the right in parentheses if there are references to them further in the text. Each mathematical expression should be followed by an explanation of all variables in the order of their appearance.
- References to sources in the text should be given in square brackets, for example: [3, p. 35; 8, p. 56-59], where the first digit indicates the ordinal number of the source in the list of references, and the second - the corresponding page in this source; one source (with a page) is separated from another by a semicolon.
- All statistical data and quotations should be supported by references to sources.
- Abbreviations of words and phrases, except for generally accepted ones, are unacceptable.
5.7. The article should be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]
All correspondence with the editorial board will take place at the same address.
6.1. Absence or incompleteness of information about the author(s).
6.2. Absence of UDC, JEL classification.
6.3. Absence of a list of references.
6.4. Insufficient volume of the article (less than 10 pages).
6.5. Insufficient volume of annotation (less than 1800 words from samples).
6.6. Insufficient size of the list of references (less than 8 items).
6.7. The article has already been published in another publication (including electronic publications and the Internet).
6.8. Detection of plagiarism in the article (in general, more than 20% of the text).
6.9. Violation of citation rules.
6.10. Failure to comply with the technical requirements for the design of the article (p.5).
Files should be sent by e-mail, the names of which should contain the name of the first author (in the original language of the article). For example: the first file – “Article Kovalenko A.V.”, the second – “Abstract Kovalenko A.V.”, the third – “Information about the author Kovalenko A.V.”.
We hope for fruitful cooperation!