- All manuscripts of articles submitted to the university department of scientific activity and drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the journal, by the decision of the editorial board of the journal are submitted for review by specialists, members of the editorial board on the profile of scientific research. Based on the results of the review, the editorial board decides on the expediency of publishing materials.
- Review is carried out confidentially in the form approved by the editorial board. Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and constitute information that is not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their own needs.
- The reviewer in the critical review of the article should:
- indicate whether the text (as part of the study) contains new content;
- whether the research topic is relevant;
- determine the logic of constructing the text of the article: whether it contains an introduction, whether the main part of the thesis of the introduction is disclosed in the main part, whether there is a final part - conclusions and track whether the content of the article in general corresponds to its title;
- assess the quality of the work;
- indicate drawbacks (if any) and ways to overcome them; indicate stylistic errors (to prevent unreliability of the content);
- draw conclusions about the possibility/impossibility of publishing the article.
The reviewer should know all the requirements for the design of scientific articles. The reviewer is fully responsible for the evaluation of the article. The reviewer signs the review, and it must be sealed. The list of reviewers is considered at the meeting of the editorial board of the “Bulletin of East European University of Economics and Management” and approved by the Honorary Editor of the scientific journal.
- The Editor-in-chief, if necessary, carries out an additional review in case of rejection of the publication (the author is informed of the reason why the article cannot be included in the journal) or return to the author with an indication of the shortcomings that he must correct.
- The author of the reviewed work receives a copy of the review with the name, position, place of work of the reviewer. The original reviews are kept by the executive secretary of the journal and, upon request, are provided to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- If the review indicates the need to correct the article, it will be returned to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt is the date of return of the revised article. The author should return the article sent for revision in the corrected form as soon as possible. The revised version of the manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors, which contains answers to all comments and explains all the changes made in the article. An article that needs revision after review will be withdrawn from consideration if the author does not return it within 6 weeks.
- The author resubmits the revised article for review along with his responses to each item of comments.
- In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editorial board of the journal. By the decision of the editorial board, the article may be sent for re-review to another specialist.
- The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes in accordance with the text of the article, but without changing its content (literary and technical editing). The final version of the text will be agreed with the author when reviewing the proofreading.
We do not consider manuscripts that do not meet the requirements.
We do not pay royalties.
We do not return manuscripts and electronic data carriers to authors.
- If the article meets all the requirements for scientific publications, has a positive review of the member of the editorial board who edited it, the editor-in-chief includes the article for publication and informs the author about it.